Our NEW Academy Core Values
Our values have been chosen by our children, parents and staff. They were asked to choose the key words which they felt were important to us, in making our academy special.
You will see these values clearly evident within everything we do:
British Values Statement
At Waddington All Saints Academy we understand the importance of our role in promoting British Values within school. These fundamental values are reflected in all that we do, we have a strong culture of respect and politeness which is consistently promoted through the whole school. We encourage our pupils to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what it ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its laws. Through our provision we ensure that we are preparing our children not only for the next stage in their career but for life in modern Britain.
Our curriculum embeds the development of these values, including opportunities to deepen and develop understanding, through debates and many opportunities to reflect. This ensures that our children receive a broad spiritual, social and cultural education. We strive to ensure our children have exposure to a wide range of experiences beyond their local community, during which the concepts of British Values are further developed. For example: visiting a variety of places of worship both within and outside of our locality, sporting events.
LEAD Multi Academy Trust Values
To achieve our vision we prioritise the four core principles for which our name stands:
Lead ~ to show the way; to be first or foremost
In every aspect of life, the ability to lead is essential. Strong leadership is the key to the success of our schools. We will develop leadership skills in everyone who attends one of them, ensuring the development of pupils as leaders of their own learning.
Empower ~ to give power to; to enable
At L.E.A.D. Academy, schools pupils are empowered to have high aspirations for their futures. We nurture and challenge pupils to take responsibility, make decisions and work together so they grow into confident and resilient young people.
Achieve ~ to accomplish; to get or attain by effort
We believe in achievement in its broadest sense and that enjoyment of learning is crucial to success. We continually look for and reward achievement in every individual in our schools. We also know that a strong command of English and maths is vital as a foundation for the whole curriculum and prioritise learning in these core subjects.
Drive ~ to cause and guide progress; to impel forward
We will provide the very best education and training for every individual in our schools and will ensure that this is delivered. We value excellent teaching, underpinned by high quality professional development and will constantly move forwards, using and instigating the best ideas and practice.
We also understand that children need to be motivated if they are to succeed in life and we will provide a stimulating curriculum and environment which will prepare them for their futures with confidence and determination.