Step back in time with us as we explore the fascinating world of the Victorians! Through photographs, artifacts and an exciting visit to Mrs. Smith’s Cottage, we will be working as historians, uncovering the lives of people from this remarkable period. Along the way, we will investigate key events and figures, becoming expert historians, who can bring the past to life.
In Writing lessons, we will work as young authors and channel our history discoveries into creative trip recounts, using vivid descriptions and storytelling skills. Role play and small-world areas will help us fully immerse themselves in our writing. We will also dive into rich, descriptive texts, building and learning new vocabulary to create captivating settings, characters, and stories.
Maths learning this term is all about discovery and understanding. Using practical resources, real-life problems, and thought-provoking reasoning activities, children will deepen their mastery of place value, addition, and subtraction. Using concrete resources and mathematical vocabulary, we will build confidence and develop solid foundation in Maths.
This term, we will work as scientists exploring the fascinating world of materials! By learning about their different properties, we will sort and classify a variety of materials. We will then apply our new knowledge in a fun, hands-on test to discover the best material for keeping a teddy dry. It’s a term full of curiosity and discovery!
In DT, creativity meets skill as we design and make our very own fruit kebabs. We will learn important food preparation techniques, including how to safely and effectively cut different ingredients. Best of all, they’ll get to taste their delicious creations once they’re done. A tasty way to learn!
This term in Geography, we will explore the different types of weather across the world and compare it to the UK’s climate. We will use our skills to investigate patterns, make comparisons, and bring our findings to life by creating our very own weather report videos.
In Art, creativity takes centre stage as we explore a variety of printing techniques. Together we will study and evaluate famous artworks, focusing on the use of patterns, colours, and printing styles. Inspired by this, we will design and create our own unique printing tiles to contribute to a collaborative masterpiece proudly displayed in school.