Spring Term- What are we learning?

This term, our learning will be inspired by the fascinating world of Ancient Civilisations. Across the curriculum, we’ll explore this theme through engaging activities and thought-provoking lessons.

Writing: learning to Write as Authors

Our writing lessons will offer a variety of opportunities to create pieces that entertain, persuade, and inform. These tasks will connect closely to our class texts, helping us develop our creativity and writing skills.

Maths: Developing as Mathematicians

This term in Maths, we will focus on:

  • Right Angles
  • Numbers to 100
  • Column Addition and Subtraction
  • Unit Fractions

These topics will help us strengthen our understanding of key mathematical concepts in an enjoyable and interactive way.

Reading: A world of Stories Awaits

At our school, we love to read! This term, we’ll dive into exciting and irresistible stories. Our main class texts will be:

  • The Ancient Egypt Sleepover by Stephen Davies
  • How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

We can’t wait to embark on these literary adventures together!

History: Uncovering the World of the Ancient Greeks

This term, we’ll step into the shoes of historians to explore the fascinating world of the Ancient Greeks. Together, we will use historical sources to hep us discover who they were, where they fit along the timeline of history and how their society and culture shaped the world. We’ll dive deeper into their:

  • Daily life and achievements.
  • Culture and beliefs
  • Lasting legacies, which we’ll critically analyse to understand their impact on modern society

Science: Illuminating the Wonders of Light and Forces

This term’s Science lessons will focus on two exciting topics: Light and Forces & Magnets.

Light: We’ll explore how we see the world around us, learning:

    • How light travels and is reflected.
    • Why shadows are formed and how they change.

Forces and Magnets: Through hands-on investigations, we’ll uncover the mysteries of magnetic forces, including:

      • How magnets attract and repel.
      • What materials magnets interact with.
      • How to measure and compare magnet strength.

Art: Mastering Observational Drawings

This term, as artists, we will develop our observational drawing skills by learning how to use different grades of pencil to shade and create various tones and textures. These techniques will enhance  our ability to capture details and bring depth to our work. We will also learn about the famous artist Paul Cézanne, using his style as inspiration to combine  newly acquired drawing skills into creating an effective still-life piece.

Design & Technology: Cooking and Nutrition

In Design and Technology, our focus will be on Cooking and Nutrition. We will gain valuable skills in food preparation, such as cutting, peeling, grating, and spreading. These techniques will be applied as we create a healthy and delicious meal, whether it’s a sandwich, toastie, or pitta pocket, combining creativity with an understanding of healthy eating.