Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page.

Year 2 is such an exciting year at All Saints; it is very busy with lots of interesting learning and brilliant opportunities. 

In Year 2, the children are leaders of their own learning and thrive on exciting experiences that will develop them as independent individuals. They are experts, who build knowledge and understanding with a drive for excellence. They have pride and ambition and are role models within the school community. In Year 2, we all work together, to achieve our very best and take pride in our learning. We look after our friends and come to school ready to learn and have fun. 

In Year 2 this year, the following adults are here to help:

Mrs Wright – Class Teacher

Miss Foyster – Class Teacher

Mrs Gray– Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Turner – Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Emery– Learning Support Assistant


This term many exciting learning experiences await you!  Please click below to find out more. 


Reading at home

Children have a reading folder, containing two books and a reading record. They will bring home a reading practice book, which will be matched to their phonics ability. They will be able to read this fluently and independently.  

Children will also bring home a sharing book. Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you to both read and enjoy together. 

Children are expected to read their practice book at least three times a week.  

Books must be brought back into school every Friday to be returned so that new books can be issued. 

Reading Records 

These should be used by parents to capture the individual child’s reading journey. When you hear your child read their practice book, please record this in the reading record.  These will be checked and stamped by the teacher every Friday when they return their books and swap them for new ones.

For more information on how to support reading at home, please click here:

‘7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home’.

Click here to see the top 100 reads for Year 2.

Parent Information


Each week your child will need to complete the following homework. This will support your child to build the core skills that are important foundations for all learning: 

  • Reading: Read 3 times a week and use your child’s reading record to write down comments about their reading of that book. 
  • Maths: Complete the activities that your child’s teacher will set on Sumdog for Maths learning. (If you are unable to access online homework, please let the class teacher know and we will make alternative arrangements.) 
  • Spelling: You will receive a copy of your child’s spelling assessment, which will be updated every half-term. Please practise the spelling and reading of these words. 

Useful Resources:

Children will receive an Attitude and Achievement stamp for completing all homework on a fortnightly basis. This will be recorded in their Role Model and Citizenship record.  

Additionally, personalised homework may be sent out as required. 

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact the school office.