Welcome to Year 4, young scientists, explorers, and artists! Get ready for an exciting journey as we embark on a fascinating adventure this school year.
In Year 4 this year, the following members of staff will help you:
Mrs Maycock – Class Teacher
Miss Corfield– Class Teacher
Mrs Holt- Learning Support Assistant
In Year 4, we will support you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. We will believe in you, teach you, listen to you, motivate you and encourage you. We are excited to take you on your learning journey.
This year many exciting learning experiences await you! Please click below to find out more.
Reading at home
All pupils have a reading folder, containing a reading book and a reading record.
If possible, we would like all children to read at home, at least 3 times per week.
Reading Records
These should be used by parents and pupils to capture the individual child’s reading journey. When you hear your child read, please record this in the reading record.
For more information on how to support reading at home, please click here:
‘7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home’.
Click here to find the top 100 books for Year 4.
Home learning support.
In Year 4, we love to read and are really keen to continue our reading at home. Our expectation is that pupils are heard read by an adult at least 3 times a week, using reading records to evidence.
As a result of the statutory Multiplication Test Check (MTC) set by the government in June, there is a huge focus on learning multiplication facts with speed and accuracy.
Maths learning will mainly be set on Sumdog If you are unable to access online homework, please let the class teacher know and we will make alternative arrangements.
Useful documents:
APPs and Websites that may support you are: