Welcome to our Year 5 class page. Year 5 is a busy hive of activity with lots of interesting learning, books and experiences. In Year 5, we all work together as part of a team, to achieve our very best and we take pride in our learning.
Welcome to our Year 5 class page. Year 5 is a busy hive of activity with lots of interesting learning, books and experiences.
In Year 5, we all work together as part of a team, to achieve our very best and we take pride in our learning.
In Year 5 this year, the following members of staff will help you:
Mrs Wood- Class Teacher
Mrs Blease– Class Teacher
Mrs Dickinson- Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Emmery- Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Walker- Learning Support Assistant
This year many exciting learning experiences await you! Please click below to find out more.
All pupils have a reading folder, containing a reading book and a reading record.
If possible, we would like all children to read at home, at least 3 times per week.
These should be used by parents and pupils to capture the individual child’s reading journey. When you hear your child read, please record this in the reading record.
For more information on how to support reading at home, please click here:
‘7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home’.
Click here to see the top 100 reads for Year 5.
In Year 5, we encourage all children to take part in homework. All children will receive an Attitude and Achievement stamp for completing all homework on a fortnightly basis. This will be recorded in their Role Model and Citizenship record.
Year 5 children will be expected to complete the following each week:
This is the core homework expectations for Year. Additionally, personalised homework may be sent out on occasion.
If you are unable to access online homework, please let the class teacher know and we will make alternative arrangements.
Useful Websites:
Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday, please ensure that PE kits your child has their PE kit in school.