Spring Term- What are we learning?

History: Uncovering the Industrial Era

This term we will dive into the fascinating topic of ‘The Industrial Revolution’ which will follow the transformative changes experienced in Britain during the first wave of the revolution. As Historians, we will explore and analyse primary and secondary sources to investigate how industries evolved during this time and how this impacted the lives of people. Additionally, we will explore ground breaking inventions from this period and the legacy they have left within our lives.

Igniting a Passion for Reading 
Our love for reading continues to flourish in Year 6! This term, we will explore a diverse range of text types and genres, refining our fluency and comprehension skills. Alongside this, we take pride as we continue to work on our performance of reading through using the 6 Ps: Passion, Pause, Punctuation, Power, Pitch, and Pace.

This term, our class novels  will inspire our author studies, persuasive letter writing and informative explanation texts. We will be reading:

Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman OBE

Cameron is thirteen, and all he wants is a ‘normal’ life – friends, swimming, school, family. But his life is far from normal. Not every thirteen-year-old desperately needs a new heart because theirs doesn’t work properly. A sensitive and informative story that provides a vivid insight.

Darwin’s Dragons by Lindsay Galvin

Syms Covington has landed the job of a lifetime – cabin boy and fiddler on Charles Darwin’s Beagle – but when he is separated from the crew during a storm, his life takes a truly extraordinary turn.

Maths: Building Skills for Real-Life Problem Solving
In Maths, we will strengthening and consolidating our application of multiplication and division through in a variety of contexts. We will develop our knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percentages, with a focus on applying these concepts to real-world scenarios and enhancing problem-solving skills.

Science: Exploring Evolution and Inheritance
This term, we will focus on understanding the concepts of evolution and inheritance, investigating the differences between inherited, adaptive, and acquired traits. We will also study the work of Charles Darwin, focusing on his theories of Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest.

Art: Capturing Movement through Impressionism
As artists, we will explore the works of Edgar Degas, examining how drawing played a key role in the creation of his art. Inspired by the Impressionist movement, we’ll focus on capturing the human form and movement, particularly through expressions of dance.