“If they have wings, why make them walk?”
At Waddington All Saints Academy our aim is to provide a learning environment and experience that enables children to thrive and develop as learners and leaders.
We want to inspire and motivate all children to have a wonderful desire to learn and grow as individuals and as a collective. To empower and support them to become life-long learners who are prepared to take risks, learn with growing independence and develop skills that enable them to fly high academically, socially, emotionally and physically.
We want our pupils to thrive as a result of our ambition for them to succeed beyond their own expectations and through the identification and removal of their barriers to learning and achievement.
Through the delivery of irresistible learning opportunities and rich experience, we strive to give children the ability and confidence to work and speak as experts; progressively building transferable knowledge and understanding that is memorable, broad and empowering. This, alongside the relentless drive for high quality outcomes and progress, underpinned by excellence and pride, exemplifies our ambition for our pupils.
We expect pupils to behave as responsible good citizens and role models, supporting them to understand the choices and behaviours that will enable them to make positive decisions. We do this within a culture of mutual respect for all within our community, encouraging kindness, tolerance and care for others
We measure our success in our ability to support pupils to have the skills, knowledge, personal qualities and drive to be successful within the next stages of their life and beyond and to make a positive contribution to life in modern Britain.