Welcome to Waddington All Saints Academy

If they have wings, why make them walk?

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Welcome to Waddington All Saints Academy

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Welcome to Waddington All Saints Academy

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Waddington All Saints Academy – Through the Eyes of a Child

We didn’t want to tell you what it is like to be a child at our school, we wanted them to show you. Even on a damp autumn day in the heart of the 2020 lockdown, the irresistibility of the learning, the richness of the curriculum and the love of reading shone out. Our pupils know how much it means to us that they are safe, happy and successful and as a result they care deeply about their education and each other and it shows. Welcome to Waddington All Saints Academy. We are grateful to you for taking the time to watch our video – ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’.

“We have a friendly, caring school with high expectations and ambition for our pupils. “

Mrs Z Jepson, Headteacher

Read the Headteacher’s Welcome
DSC05349 Zoe Jepson

Our Vision

“If they have wings, why make them walk?”

At Waddington All Saints Academy our aim is to provide a learning environment and experience that enables children to thrive and develop as learners and leaders.

We want to inspire and motivate all children to have a wonderful desire to learn and grow as individuals and as a collective. To empower and support them to become life-long learners who are prepared to take risks, learn with growing independence and develop skills that enable them to fly high academically, socially, emotionally and physically.

We want our pupils to thrive as a result of our ambition for them to succeed beyond their own expectations and through the identification and removal of their barriers to learning and achievement.

Through the delivery of irresistible learning opportunities and rich experience, we strive to give children the ability and confidence to work and speak as experts; progressively building transferable knowledge and understanding that is memorable, broad and empowering. This, alongside the relentless drive for high quality outcomes and progress, underpinned by excellence and pride, exemplifies our ambition for our pupils.

We expect pupils to behave as responsible good citizens and role models, supporting them to understand the choices and behaviours that will enable them to make positive decisions. We do this within a culture of mutual respect for all within our community, encouraging kindness, tolerance and care for others

We measure our success in our ability to support pupils to have the skills, knowledge, personal qualities and drive to be successful within the next stages of their life and beyond and to make a positive contribution to life in modern Britain.

Please see our Starting School page for more information


Waddington All Saints Academy is part of the L.E.A.D. Academy. The Trust is the admissions authority, but the local authority manage all the processes on its behalf, applying the regulations on admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school.

Arrangements for applications for places in Reception at Waddington All Saints Academy will be made in accordance with Lincolnshire County Council’s co-ordinated admission arrangements; parents resident in Lincolnshire can apply online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions, parents resident in other areas must apply through their home local authority. Waddington All Saints Academy use Lincolnshire County Council’s timetable published online for these applications and Lincolnshire County Council, who are the Admission Authority, will make the offers of places on the Academy’s behalf as required by the School Admissions Code.

In year Admissions

Applications should be made via Lincolnshire County Council or directly to the school. If there are more applications than places then the oversubscription criteria will be used to decide who should be offered the place. If it is necessary to refuse a place then you will be informed of your right of appeal. Parents can apply online at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions or call 01522 782030 for a paper form.


Latest vacancies

  • Post 1: Hours per week 30 hours
  • Salary £24027 FTE (actual salary £16881)
  • Post 2:Hours per week 21 hours
  • Salary £24027 FTE (actual salary £11816)
  • Job type (both posts) Fixed term contract
  • Closing Date (both posts) 28th March

We are looking to appoint two motivated and committed Teaching Assistants to work within our Higher Needs Support Team, post 1 will be mainly within reception and post 2 within KS1. To start as soon as possible on a fixed term contract to meet the needs of the academy. The posts will involve working to supporting a range of pupils with complex and differing needs, to support them to be able to access the curriculum at their own level and make progress against their specific SEN targets.

View Vacancy
  • Role type: Volunteer
  • Meeting commitments: 3 x Formal, 3 x Engagement across the academic year
  • Further commitments: Depending on the time you have to give

Join Waddington All Saints Academy as a Community Governor and help us deliver high-quality education for all. No prior governance experience is required, as training is provided. Our Governors attend six meetings annually and are encouraged to support the academy through site visits.

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